A new learning paradigm
for medical education


MIS-SIM (Minimally Invasive Surgery Simulator Scenario Editor) is an innovative environment for medical content creators/mentors.
MIS-SIM is a VR simulator that will allow users to create and share with the community virtual tasks personalized to the training needs of learners.
The MIS-SIM scenario editor will be deployed and integrated on the training schedules of two leading European surgical institutions through a pioneer pilot program.

This will include training activities to:
1. teach mentors how to harness the potential of MIS-SIM to create effective learning scenarios;
2. teach residents MIS basic skills in MIS-SIM-based courses;
3. empower medical professionals on designing learning technologies in the hospital.

This activity consisted plan a series of training courses in 2018 that took place at the partners' institutions.
Through the data collected in these activities, valorization of MIS-SIM will be demonstrated.
In 2019, further courses were planned and an expansion roadmap towards the commercialization of MIS-SIM were defined.
Between 2021 and 2022, MIS-SIM continued in the MIREIA project with european partners such as AVACA, eCapture, and minimally invasive surgery simulation centers.

Tool Screenshots

Eye-Candy user interface

A fully capable editor with all your needed tools

Use complex fluid, softbody and rigidbody physics in your tasks

Define metrics and behaviours with visual graphs for task's subgoals

Run tasks in Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality

Create volumes from your DICOM CT images

How we address some
EIT Health Key Priorities

Introducing a new VR-based learning paradigm will contribute to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of training technical skills between surgeons. MIS-SIM provides personalised and adaptive learning for medical professionals in patient-free environments thanks to the new form of content creation. It will help to reduce the learning curves and to train more confident professionals. It is well known that minimally invasive techniques favour recuperation, minimise incidents (infections, etc.) and generate more confidence for the patients. This have a positive repercussion on healthcare, with improved services provided to citizens, shorter hospital stays and a reduction of medical errors. MIS-SIM will help to train specific surgeons in specific challenges. The personalised content crea?on will generate dynamic and motivational learning. Boring, static and generic materials? No more!

Associate Partners involved

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

EIT Health Core

Academisch ziekenhuis Leiden

EIT Health Core

Semmelweis Egyetem

EIT Health Core

Technische Universiteit Delft

EIT Health Core

Simendo BV

External Project Partners